*** News Release ***
Film Gimp Changes Project Name
Free open source motion picture retouching tool becomes CinePaint
BERKELEY, California - March 1, 2003 - Film Gimp, the most
popular open source tool in feature motion picture work, has a
new name.
As unanimously decided during the recent Film Gimp panel
discussion in Los Angeles during the Linux
Movies conference track, the name of Film Gimp is being changed.
This change will present a more professional name as well as eliminate
confusion with the separate GIMP
project. What wasn't decided at the panel meeting is what
the our name should be. A call for suggestions was put forth on
the mailing list to the Film Gimp community.
The new name of Film Gimp will be CinePaint. The winning
name was submitted by Sam Richards.
Thanks to everyone who sent in suggestions of new names for
Film Gimp. Here's the complete list of names that were proposed:
Since launching on SourceForge on July 4, 2002, the Film
Gimp project has made 16 public releases, averaging two releases
per month. That's a remarkable rate of progress. We have advanced
from being used at three movie studios to four (Rhythm & Hues,
Sony Pictures Imageworks, Hammerhead, and ComputerCafe), and have
grown from just a few developers to more than a dozen. That's
a lot to have accomplished in eight months, and many people helped
make it possible. What a great group of sponsors, developers,
and users!
Completing the name conversion to CinePaint may take a month
or so. Changes need to be made to our Web site, our SourceForge
project, and the source code itself. A new logo is also needed.
The conversion will be made as smoothly as possible to minimize
Looking forward to continued success as the CinePaint project.
Thanks for all your help!
Robin Rowe
CinePaint project leader
* Pricing and Availability
Free at http://filmgimp.sourceforge.net,
available for Linux, Mac OS X, and soon Windows. Download version
0.16 or higher (about 6mb). Film Gimp has an active community
and mailing list.
* Further Information
Robin Rowe, project leader, 510-235-2397, Robin.Rowe@MovieEditor.com
Full rez screenshots http://filmgimp.sourceforge.net/press/screenshots.html
Press clippings: http://filmgimp.sourceforge.net/press/
Questions to rower@movieeditor.com
Created March 1, 2003; updated March
1, 2003